Do you know what you have to do to increase your income, but you don't do it? I get you unstuck so you reach the life of your dreams.
Hi! I’m Jenn Melyan, a certified executive coach. I am dedicated to working with growth minded individuals and companies who want to create extraordinary and measurable results in their lives.
My Story

I help my clients say Hell Yes! to their dreams by holding them accountable. Reframing failure and rejection has been a powerful tool in my own life, and I love helping others unlock their potential by choosing to use discomfort for growth. It’s all in the way you decide to view things! Creating a vision for yourself is your birthright. I work with my clients to define their goals and identify their gaps, then help them thrive. If you believe it’s possible, then it is. Psst- Language is like magic- how we talk can affect how things happen!
Educated and trained by Executive Performance Institute for Coaching (EPIC),
I’ve been trained in several professional development programs in phenomenology, ontological coaching via transformational coaching, neuroscience, psychology, and sociology. Coaching is a natural fit for me. As a life-long educator, I was a founding teacher of Valley Charter Elementary School, and I taught first grade for over a decade. I’ve worked with non-profit foundations, led workshops, and facilitated strategy meetings.
My coaching clients have consistently achieved results. They have drastically increased revenue (even during the pandemic!), created new career and business opportunities, and completed passion projects and life-long goals. Everyone has the potential to live their best life. I am here to be your advocate, to encourage and prod you forward until you are willing to climb that mountain or run that race, and do what you've always wanted to do.